It is important to know the age requirements for ordering Weed delivery in Waterloo before you place an order. According to theĀ Cannabis Store, the minimum age to purchase and possess cannabis in Waterloo is 19 years of age.
You will be required to submit valid government photo identification when you place your order. This can be a driver’s license, Canadian passport, permanent resident card, or Canadian military card.
Ordering Weed delivery in Waterloo
Additionally, you may only order cannabis products that are legally offered for sale in Weed delivery in Waterloo. The amount of weed allowed per order is limited to 30 grams of dried cannabis (or equivalent) within any single transaction.
Be sure to verify that these requirements are met when you place your order so it is not denied or canceled. As long as you meet all of the criteria outlined above and provide legal verification, your cannabis order should be processed with no issue!