The researchers then conducted additional research to determine whether the cellular responses they saw might be involved in sight. You can find more information about cannabis edible here. The natural tendency of tadpoles to flee dark moving dots was utilized by the scientists by putting some tadpoles into a Petri dish, presenting them with dark dots under various lighting conditions while using specially designed video-tracking software to track the movements of the tadpoles and the dots, and recording the tadpoles’ avoidance reactions. Looking to try something new? Check out this.
In normal light, the researchers found no distinctions between tadpoles treated with a synthetic cannabinoid and untreated ones. Under low-light conditions, on the other hand, tadpoles that received the cannabinoid demonstrated significantly more avoidance than those who were not given any treatment.
The researchers are conducting further tests to determine whether the findings apply to people. If they’re true, they could lead to treatments for retinitis pigmentosa and glaucoma, which cause blindness by killing retinal cells. Cannabinoids have been shown in studies to have a neuroprotective effect on retinal cells, therefore anti-inflammatory drugs developed based on the drug may not only help patients with worsening eyesight see better but also help them retain their vision longer.
Regular cannabis use has been found to disrupt the processing of visual information at its outset, in the retina, according to a research published Thursday in JAMA Ophthalmology. “For cannabis users, such a difference might be unnoticeable,” said Dr. Vincent Laprevote, the lead author of the study and a neurologist at Pole Hospitalo-Universitaire de Psychiatrie du Grand Nancy in Laxou, France. “However, it is significant since it could signify the alterations in neural cell communication that occur as a result of continuous cannabis use.”
Marijuana vs Glaucoma
The internet is rife with conflicting information, so I went to a sacred source – the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s website. For the laypeople, I’ll clarify it as follows:
“The notion that marijuana is an effective treatment for glaucoma first gained popularity in the 1970s. Marijuana use was found to lower IOP. This, however, only applies for a few hours.
Glaucoma, which is caused by a buildup of pressure in the eye, needs to be kept under control at all times, which means you’d have to smoke marijuana 6-8 times a day. But it doesn’t just affect your eyes; it also has an impact on your driving abilities, industrial skills, and general competency.
This isn’t the only disadvantage. Marijuana cigarettes include a variety of chemicals that are detrimental to the lungs. It also has an effect on short-term memory and attention at high doses.
Intraocular pressure isn’t the only cause of optic nerve damage. “Glaucoma, which is a neurological illness similar to Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease, has been shown in recent studies,” according to one source.
“There’s evidence that restricting blood flow to the optic nerve may harm patients with glaucoma. Additionally, marijuana lowers intraocular pressure and blood pressure. As a result, it can potentially impede blood circulation to the optic nerve, thus negating any of the benefits from having reduced intraocular pressure.”
I’m not challenging the Academy. I’m the underdog. However, it’s hard to fathom why they don’t talk about smoking at all. There are chocolates, cookies, and other delightful things that aren’t harmful to the lungs, and I believe they taste better.
Is It Something to Worry About?
It’s perfectly natural and safe to have bloodshot eyes after consuming cannabis. It can be a difficult consequence to overcome, particularly if you use edibles as medicine. There is a certain stigma associated with marijuana use, and dealing with red eyes at work may draw unwanted attention.
Over-the-counter eye drops that are used to treat redness and irritation caused by allergies, as well as other symptoms, can help you with your red eyes. You may also try splashing cold water on your face and across your eyes, or drink some caffeine or eat dark chocolate, both of which have the ability to constrict the eye’s blood vessels.
The severe bloodshot appearance of the eyes will decrease as time goes on, but keep in mind that eye redness induced by edibles generally lasts longer than other marijuana administration options. It not only lasts longer, but it takes significantly longer to achieve its peak effect of 2-3 hours. The redness can last anywhere from 4 to 12 hours, depending on the dose. Your metabolism, weight, and tolerance all have an impact on how long it takes your eyes to recover. Plan ahead and stick with low THC strains or just utilize CBD strains if at all possible.
There’s still a lot of research being done on the negative impact of marijuana use on peripheral vision, eye pressure, and visual processing. Marijuana usage may have significant effects on these areas.
Other people are concerned about the therapeutic advantages of cannabis for glaucoma sufferers. Glaucoma is an optic nerve disease in which the pressure in the eyes rises. While marijuana lowers eye pressure, it does so only for a short period of time. Because marijuana has an effect on focus, making judgments, driving, operating heavy machinery, and other activities common to many people, it is not a recommended therapy for glaucoma at this time.